
2018年度第2回実用英語技能検定 三級を合格したMちゃんの合格証明書です。
多読の効果もあり、スピーキングは、リーディング5/5,Q&A 24/25,アティテュード 5/5, トータル452/550でした。
This is M’s certificate of 3rd grade of the 2nd English proficiency test in 2018.
She is a 6th year in Elementary school student who scored 1840 on the STEP test.
She has continued to persist in her efforts to learn English since 2012, when she was five years old.
Her mother has been supporting her for seven years, having her daughter listen to a CD in the morning, having her write vocabulary in a notebook and correcting the words which M wrote. She brings me the notebook at least every three days.
She set out to read 30 books within one year.
I’m looking forward to reading her book report which is written neatly and has a sense of humor.
Her extensive reading was the foundation of her greatness, she scored 5/5 on reading test, 24/25 on Q&A, and attitude 5/5, total count was 452/550.
I appreciate that she is able to learn English while having fun at ECC Junior.
And also, I’m very thankful to her mother for continuing to support her for a long time.
It’s not possible to learn English by only to take English lessons once a week.
It was proven that her mother’s support for home learning and M’s efforts became a great force.
Thank you so much ☆
