













Please tell us about yourself.
( あなたのことを教えてください。)


I passed entrance examination for the university that I have wanted to enter this spring!! I’ll try to do my best to pass a National Examination to be qualified as an occupational therapist.
I’m going to join the T&F club and continue to run in the university,which is my favorite thing. Also, I want to start something new!



Wow! Congratulations!!!


What point do you think was the good thinglearning at ECC?


I learned many things from ECC lessons. Let me share two things with you.
First,ECC lessons had me to get to like using English.
I joined Ms.Sumi’s class when I was in the seventh grade.
I didn’t like to speak English at school because I hated to say wrong answers in front of my classmates.
Ms.Sumi taught me that making mistakes was not bad thing,and that it was important to try to do.
Second, many opportunities to utilize English through ECC euents.She offered us many events, where I had many chances to talk with people from foreign countries. It gave me confidence to make myself understood in English!


Let us know what you want to do in the future!


I want to make many friends of my age who speak English. I like to talk with my Japanese friends,because it’s fun. But I feel we have similar topics or the same thinking ways. I want to know other ideas in a new light,which will let me my eyes wide open.
I also want to go abroad in my future.
I’ll make a friend from a country where I want
to go. And then I’ll get advice about the place where to visit or what to eat !♪♪
(同年代の外国人の友達を作りたいです。日本人の友達と話すのも楽しくて好きだけど、自分も含め、同じ国の中で生活しているとどうしても関心のあることや話題、考え方が似てしまうな と思います。外国の人と話すことで物事をほかの視点から見て考えるともっと視野を広げることができるんじゃないかと思います。


Would you give juniors learning at ECC a few words?


You have unlimited possibilities. So I want you to try to do anything that you want to do.
I believe that to try something is the most important.
I want you to know that there are no correct answers in your life.
While tests that you take in your class have only one correct answer.
Don’t be afraid of going your way even if someone says “it is not a normal way” or it is different from usual stuff. I’m sure you will be able to have some precious experience that you would not get otherwise you could never get!
Wish you’ll get to like to use English and enjoy using it! Be true to yourself.
It will definitely the best choice!



Q1:Please tell us about yourself.



A1: I am a Ph.D. student at Osaka University. I am now majoring in pharmaceutical sciences and trying to develop a novel therapeutic strategy against cardiovascular diseases. I learned English at ECC for 10 years. Thanks to ECC, I found communicating in English to be fun.

(僕は大阪大学のPh.Dです。今、製薬科学を専攻していて、循環器疾患に対する 新しい治療戦略を開発するために頑張っています。僕は10年間ECCで英語を勉強しました。 ECCのおかげで、英語でコミュニケーションすることが楽しいと思えました。)


Q2:What were good things you learned English at ECC?

(英語をECCで習ったことで良かったことは何ですか?  )


A2: ECC gave me a lot of chances to improve my English. In classes, I talked a lot about many topics with my classmates, which was very helpful for me to increase my vocabulary and acquire many expressions. Ms. Sumi kindly answered any questions every time I asked her. In university, making presentations and writing reports in English are often required. In addition, I have frequent contact with students from overseas. In the cases, I can enjoy using English. Therefore, I always feel rewarded for having studied English hard at ECC.

さまざまなトピックについてたくさん話しました。そうすることで、僕は語彙力を増やさせまし たし、多くの表現を学びました。Sumi先生は僕が質問をするといつも丁寧に答えてくれました。
大学では英語でプレゼンをしたり、レポートを書くことがよく求められます。加えて、僕は普段 海外の学生たちとよくコンタクトをとっています。僕は英語を使って楽しめています。そんな時、 ECCで英語を熱心に勉強していてよかった!と思っています。)


Q3: What do you want to do using English from now?

(K君!英語で大学生活を楽しんでいる様子が目に浮かびます。素晴らしい英語の感想ありがと う!今から英語を使ってどんなことをしていきたいですか? )


A3: In the rapid progression of internationalization, we need to use English in various situations. This is true in the field of science. Using English is absolutely essential due to the increasing opportunities of doing research with people in other countries. So, I will keep learning and refine my English. I hope to contribute to the world as a researcher. If I can get a chance, I want to experience living abroad. I think that being exposed to different lifestyles and cultures will help me widen my perspectives. Moreover, it will be great if I can make a lot of friends around the world.

(急激な国際化の中で、私たちはさまざまな場面で英語を使う必要が出て来ました。これは 自然科学の分野でも同じです。他国の人たちとリサーチをする機会が増えているので英語を使う ことは必須です。だから、僕は英語を勉強し続け、磨いていきたいと思います。僕は研究者として 世界に貢献したい。機会があれば、海外に住みたい。違った生活様式や文化に晒されることが 自分の世界を広げることにつながると思いますし、何より、世界中に友達ができるなんて素晴ら しいと思います。)


Q4: Please give the students who learn at ECC a few words!

(ECCの後輩たちに一言、お願いします! )


A4: Speaking English without fear of failure is important. The more you practice, the better you will be able to speak English. If you can speak English, you can broaden your world. Please make every effort to make your dream come true!

せるようになりますよ。英語を話せると、あなたの世界は広がります。自分の夢を実現できるよう しっかり努力してくださいね♪)





K君はいつも人の意見を誠実に聞いてくれるナイスガイです♪ECCのホームワークも毎回しっかり こなしてきてくれました。自分のフィールドで世界をより良い場所にしようとしてくれているECC の卒業生♪ 心強いですね!